

Michel Lotito (June 15, 1950 - June 25, 2007) was a French entertainer, born in Grenoble, famous for deliberately consuming indigestible objects. He came to be known as Monsieur Mangetout ("Mister Eat All The Things").

His performances involved the consumption of metal, glass, rubber and other materials. He disassembled, cut-up, and consumed bicycles, shopping carts, televisions, a Cessna 150, and other items. The Cessna 150 took roughly two years to be "eaten," from 1978 to 1980. He began eating unusual material as a child around 9 years of age and performed publicly from 1966.

綽號嫩豌豆先生的蜜雪兒.洛蒂托(Michel Lotito)來自法國格勒諾布爾,他的胃口可非同一般——1959年開始吃金屬和玻璃。據胃腸病學專家介紹,洛蒂托擁有獨一無二的腸胃消化能 力,每天可以吃掉900克金屬。嫩豌豆先生”(Mangetout)法語字面意思是吃掉一切。蜜雪兒說,吃香蕉和雞蛋會讓他生病,於是就喜歡上了金 屬,從1966年到現在,他吃掉”18輛自行車、15輛超市手推車、7台電視機、6個吊燈、兩張床、一個滑雪板、一架低卡路里賽斯納輕型飛機 和一台電腦。據說,蜜雪兒是歷史上唯一一個將棺材(包括金屬把手)吃進肚子的人。到199710月,他吃了近9噸的金屬。


Lotito claimed not to suffer ill effects from consuming the materials, even after consuming materials usually considered poisonous. When performing he consumed around a 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of material daily, preceding it with mineral oil and drinking considerable quantities of water during the meal. He said, however, that bananas and hard-boiled eggs made him sick. It is estimated that between 1959–1997 Lotito had eaten around 1 ton of metal.

Lotito died of natural causes on June 25, 2007, ten days after his 57th birthday. He is buried at Grenoble Cemetery.

Lotito's method for eating all of this metal is to break it in to small pieces before attempting to eat it. He then drinks mineral oil and continues to drink water while swallowing the metal bits. This acts as a lubricant to help the metal slide down his throat. He also has no problem "passing" his unusual diet.

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