General Sherman, by volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth. The General Sherman Tree is neither the tallest known living tree on Earth
雪曼將軍樹(General Sherman)是世界上最大的樹,通常也被認為是最大的生物,高83.8公尺,底部最大直徑達11.1公尺。
located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, California
雪曼將軍樹由博物學家James Wolverton於1879年時命名的,為了紀念南北戰爭時的將軍威廉·特庫姆塞·舍曼。
In 1879, it was named after American Civil War general, William Tecumseh Sherman, by naturalist James Wolverton